Medical Administrative Assistant Programs

Find accredited medical secretary or medical administrative assistant certification training classes and associate’s degree programs near you. As a medical secretary, you’ll be putting to use your extensive knowledge of medical terminology. Other job duties may include:

  • Scheduling appointments
  • Billing patients
  • Filling out the medical charts
  • Other duties assigned by your employer

Chances are, you’re going to be the first face a patient greets when they walk into the medical facility, making you the link between the patient and the medical staff treating them.

Use the search application to connect with an medical administrative assistant program near you.

Colleges with Medical Administration Programs

All listed medical trade schools and technical colleges are accredited and have financial aid assistance if you qualify.

What does a medical secretary do?

  • Scheduling (exams, follow up exams, etc.)
  • Paperwork
  • Collect all the appropriate information from the patient for billing
  • Schedule surgeries
  • Maintain supplies
  • Handle referrals
  • Screen incoming office contacts
  • Billing
  • Transcription
