Clinical Nurse Specialist, CNS Programs

To become a Clinical Nurse Specialist, you must first have your Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing. Then, you must study and sit for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses, as well as complete a Master’s of Science in Nursing with an emphasis on Clinical Nurse Specialty.

“How Do I Become a CNS?”

The Clinical Nurse Specialist program’s curriculum may include subjects such as:

  • state and national care policy
  • physiology
  • pharmacology
  • advanced health theory

Once you pass the Certified Nurse Specialist Exam, you are considered a Clinical Nurse Specialist!

Schools Offering Nursing Degrees

How Much Do Nurse Specialists Earn?

In the United States, the average Clinical Nurse Specialist will earn an annual salary of $81,952 according to More than half of the Clinical Nurse Specialists have been on the job for over ten years. Location and experience are major determining factors when it comes to pay.

The job outlook for any type of nursing job is expected to grow 16% through 2024 which is much faster than other occupations.
