Biology Technician Degree Programs

Use the program search application to find an accredited biology technician degree program at local colleges or online medical trade school near you. All listed colleges are accredited and have financial aid assistance if you qualify.

“What do Biology Technicians do?

  • Prepare and analyze specimens
  • Research, and research of research (and more research)
  • Conduct experiments
  • Monitor experiments
  • Conduct programs
  • Set up and maintenance of equipment
  • Write grants

Biology technicians help biologists with important tasks and study. They work at colleges and universities, in governments and any other business that includes a research lab. Associates and Bachelor’s degrees are available in this field.”[ref]

Colleges with Biology Technician Programs

All colleges are not listed here, use the search application for all your local choices.

States with the best biology technician job opportunities

State Salary
California $54,000+
Massachusetts $52,000+
Pennsylvania $46,000+
Texas $47,000+
Maryland $50,000+

