Registered Nurse Degree Programs

Find a nursing school or online college offering accredited RN programs near you. Registered Nurses need to obtain their degrees from accredited colleges or online universities.

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Colleges with RN Programs

All listed schools are accredited and have financial aid assistance if you qualify.

And many others, use the search application to find your local options.

Common Courses in an RN Program:

Each RN program, from the diploma through bachelor’s degree, will cover many of the same topics. RN programs include classes like:

  • anatomy and physiology
  • biochemistry
  • statistics
  • chemistry
  • microbiology
  • patient care
  • nutrition
  • psychology
  • research, and
  • healthcare policies

Learn About RN programs:

“Here is a basic list of coursework most RN associate degree programs include:

  • Microbiology and Immunology which studies microorganisms and infections and how they affect health.
  • Care of Patients With Complex Needs will teach the student the nursing process and how to use it to treat patients over their lifespan. Obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are emphasized.
  • Patient Care Management teaches techniques to care for patients with a multitude of medical issues and still maintain excellent nursing care.
  • Professional Issues educates the students and arms them with the tools to deal with dilemmas that arise during the course of their careers such as legal and ethical, leadership strategies, and healthcare policies.

Bachelor’s Degree Programs for RN’s: Bachelor’s Degrees take four years so the coursework will be more robust than associate’s and diploma programs.”

The type of patients you work with will depend on the type of RN you are. As an RN, you can specialize in areas like oncology, pediatrics, geriatrics, neonatology, and any others of practice.
