Find a local medical trade school or technical college with medical transcription certification training classes or degree courses near you.
“A certificate program or associate degree are the most common choices, lasting from six months to two years, depending on the program you enroll in.”
What does a medical transcriptionist do? “Medical transcriptionists are responsible for listening to and dictating records from the physician and other healthcare professionals. Medical transcriptionists must be precise and accurate when performing their job, as documents go directly from their hands into the official hospital medical records.”
Trade Schools with Medical Transcription Training
- Fortis Institute
- Florida Career College
- Virginia College
- Ultimate Medical Academy
- Vista College
- Intercoast College
- National College
- Remington College
- Southern Technical College
- Miller Motte
- Baker College
- College of Westchester
- Vatterott College
- Altierus Career College
- Brightwood College
- Northeast Technical Institute
- National College
What Are Medical Transcriptionist Classes Like: Classes include learning transcription of recordings containing notes and learning with human anatomy and medical terms. A medical transcription report is included as permanent part of a patient’s medical file making accurate transcribing very key.