Find an accredited dietitian or nutrition degree program at a medical trade school or culinary college near you. Online courses are also available in some locations use the program search application to find your local options.
Often seen as “health-conscious” individuals, dietitians are here to help those in need of obtaining a healthy lifestyle. Dietitians are experts in food and nutrition who advise people on what is and isn’t healthy for their particular lifestyle. Working in settings such as schools and hospitals, dietitians are registered, trained nutrition professionals who impact lives on a daily basis”
Schools with Dietitian & Nutrition Programs
- Florida Career College
- Gurnick Academy
- Virginia College
- Southern Careers Institute
- Southern Technical College
- Southeastern Institute
- Fortis Institute
- Northwestern College
- Vista College
- Keiser University
- Intercoast College
- Remington College
Types of Dietitians
- Clinical dietitians are professionals who work in hospitals, private practices, long-term healthcare facilities.
- Community dietitians are individuals who educate the public about food and nutrition.
- Management dietitians are responsible for planning meal programs.
Dietitian salary Info: Dietitians make an annual average salary of $59K. Your pay will be impacted by where you live, where you work, your specialty, and your experience. California, Maryland, and Oregon have the highest median salaries.