Find an accredited online certified nursing assistant training program. Most online nursing assistant (CNA) classes take about 12 weeks to finish. That’s about 75 hours of instruction; There are accelerated online programs in some locations that take as little as 6 weeks.
Use the program search application to choose a school, they’ll call you to answer all your questions.
Schools Offering Online CNA Programs
These are just a few example schools, more colleges offer this course. Use the program search application for local choices.
Learn About CNA Education
To begin training as a CNA, you must have either a high school diploma or GED. A career as a nursing assistant is a good choice for those who are considering furthering their opportunities by going into nursing.
Certified Nursing Assistant programs, sometimes called Nursing Aides, are found in community colleges and trade or vocational schools where the student will learn the basics of nursing along with supervised clinical work. You have to be certified to work as a Nursing Assistant and those who hold associate’s or bachelor’s degrees will have a better time finding a job.
CNA Certifications and Licenses
After the education portion of the program is completed, it’s time to get certified by taking a competency exam. There is no prior work expectations put upon Certified Nursing Assistants, they only need to have their clinical experience along with a certification.
Some states will call this position Nursing Aides while others call it Certified Nursing Assistants. Either way, they have the same education and certification requirements. There are also varying requirements, per state. Some may require background checks and continuing education. Some states will allow the Certified Nursing Assistant to earn additional certifications so they can administer medications. This is called a Certified Medication Assistant and is an extension of the Certified Nursing Assistant program.