Esthetician Programs

Accredited esthetician programs at local medical trade schools and cosmetology colleges across the US. Some schools offer online classes as part of the course but due to the nature of the training, there are no all online programs. Use the search application to find your local esthetician training options.

“Skincare specialists are a highly valued and important asset to any spa business. As an esthetician, you look beyond the surface to identify any skin-related problems and provide avenues for treatment. Allowing someone to see his or her true beauty is an incredible gift that estheticians have the opportunity to give—one skincare treatment at a time.”[ref]

“What is a Medical Esthetician?

They are the professionals who work in med spas, plastic surgery and dermatologist offices, and other medical facilities to help their clients’ skin appear the best it possibly can. They are skin therapists who work with people with skin damage due to serious illness, trauma, or accidents. They also take care of patients with sun damage, discoloration, or any other issue affecting the look of their skin. In many circumstances, medical estheticians have been responsible for helping their patients gain back the confidence they once had, pre-skin issue.”[ref]
