Keiser University in Daytona Beach Florida offers accredited on campus and online medical certification training classes and nursing degree programs. They have financial aid assistance for if you qualify and are military friendly, with scholarships for qualified active duty personnel, Veterans, and dependents.
Medical Certification & Nursing Programs
Medical Careers
Associate Degrees
- Nursing, AS
Bachelor’s Degrees
- Nursing, BSN (Accelerated)
- Nursing, BSN (FastTrack)
- Nursing, BSN (RN to BSN)
- Nursing, BSN (Traditional)
Graduate Degrees
- Family Nurse Practitioner, MSN FNP
- Nursing Practice, DNP
- Nursing, MSN
Campus location: 1800 Business Park Blvd, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114
Accreditation: Keiser University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
Disclosure: Any Certificate or Diploma program that KU offers now or in the future are considered Gainful Employment Programs. While the non-profit status exempts them for disclosures related to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD programs, any Certificate or Diploma programs are captured by the gainful employment rule. Any promotional materials or advertising related to these programs should include the following disclaimer.