“AMSC education considers factors affecting the individual’s health status, beliefs and practices, factors affecting health care adherence, and the effects of illness on individual’s and family member’s roles and functioning. Since Nursing is recognized as the art and science of providing supportive, preventive, therapeutic, and restorative care for individuals in both instructional and community settings, AMSC incorporates these ideals into the Vocational Nursing program.”
American Medical Sciences Center
225 West Broadway
Glendale, California 91204
American Medical Sciences Center Nursing Programs
Vocational Nursing (LVN)
Nursing education is formal learning and training in the art and science of nursing. This includes functions, duties, and scope of responsibility in the physical, emotional, environmental, and community care of individuals and a combination of different disciplines that both accelerates the return to health and helps maintain it.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
The objective is to provide the didactic and clinical skills needed to enable the student to perform the Abdominal, Gynecological, Vascular, and Echocardiographic requirements published or supported by nationally recognized professional organizations.
Echovascular Technology
Prepares students to perform diagnostic ultrasound examinations required of peripheral vascular (arterial venous), superficial and cardiac structures.