Find accredited healthcare administration degree programs at medical trade schools and technical colleges near you. These programs include medical billing and coding, and health information services too.
Coursework may be in the classroom or online and include subjects like healthcare policy, information management, economics, and financial management. Use the program search application to find a local or online healthcare administration program.
How to Become a Healthcare Administrator: To work in a hospital… healthcare administrators are required to earn an MBA from a program with a specialization in healthcare management. At the administrator level, most employers will require that you have earned your master’s and had experience in the field.
What does a healthcare administrator do? Monitor and improve the quality and efficiency of care provided.Healthcare admin’s are needed in both large and small medical facilities.
- In small offices, healthcare administrators manage the daily activities on a more detail-oriented basis, including overseeing personnel, finances, facility operations and admissions, while also providing care when needed.
- In a larger organization, healthcare administrators manage daily decision-making and assist with direct activities in clinical areas, including nursing, surgery, therapy, medical records, or health information.
Colleges with Healthcare Administration Programs
All listed colleges are accredited and have financial aid assistance if you qualify.
- CareerStep
- Institute of Medical and Business Careers
- Charter College
- Miller Motte College
- Stautzenberger College
- South College
- Southern Careers Institute
- The College of Healthcare Professions
- Hope Medical Coding and Billing Institute
- Wichita Technical Institute
- YTI Career Institute
How much does a healthcare admin make? The average salary runs more than $96K annually.