Find accredited cosmetologist career certification and degree programs like hair-stylist, makeup artistry, nail technician, barbering, licensed massage therapy and others. Use the program search application to find your local beauty schools and cosmetology colleges.
Classes you may take in a cosmetology program:
- Basic Safety and Sanitation
- Hair Care, design, shaping
- Esthetics and hair removal
- Nail care
- Skin care, treatments
- Management and sales
- Makeup artistry
- Wig care
- Dyeing, frosting, highlighting
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Product knowledge of shampoos, conditioners, gels, chemical relaxers and more[ref]
Find career training in the beauty field from a cosmetology college near you. Use our program search application to find your local course options.
Colleges with Cosmetology Programs
- Chattanooga College
- Florida Career College
- Meridian College
- Miller Motte College
- Midwest Technical Institute
- Remington College
- Lincoln Technical Institute
- Delta Technical College
- Blue Cliff College
- Vista College
- Southern Careers Institute
- Empire Cosmetology Schools
- Elevate Salon Institute
- Fortis Institute
- Avalon School of Cosmetology
- Jolie Hair & Beauty Academy
- Health and Style Institute
- American Institute
“Every state has its particular set of licensing requirements for cosmetology. Most states set the minimum prerequisites at 16-18 years old with a high school diploma or GED, and the passing of the cosmetology state board after completion of cosmetology school. Again, each state is different in its expectations for cosmetology.
As far as beauty school, every state has its set of minimum hours, along with specific courses that must be included with the education. Educational hours across the country range from 1,000-2,000. You can also choose to specialize. Average education hours for manicurists or nail technicians runs around 300 including coursework and hands-on training. Esthetician hours can be as little as 300 or as high as 1,500, depending on the state.”[ref]