Medical Jobs That Pay Well After 2 Years of School

This article contains a list of medical and healthcare associate degree programs that take about 2 years to complete as a full time student. These medical trade school and college programs will prepare students for jobs that pay well.

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Two Year Medical & Healthcare Programs

There are two year associate’s degree programs in a variety of fields like dental, medical, and healthcare administration. Some of these programs, such as medical assisting and healthcare administration do have online course options.

Medical Assisting Associate Degree

  • An associate degree program in medical assisting is about two years in length and the different ones we researched were between about 57-65 credit hours. During your program you’ll learn the clinical and administrative duties of a medical assistant. You’ll also learn about ethical and legal standards too. Find a medical assistant program now.

Dental Assisting Associate Degree

  • An associate degree program in dental assisting is about 70 to 80 credit hours and takes two years to complete as a full time student. Some associate’s degree programs may include material for advanced certification exams. Find a dental assisting program.

Dental Hygienist Associate Degree

  • Associate of Applied Science programs in dental hygiene are available at some schools and they take about two years to complete. However, you can also find bachelor’s degree programs, and they take about four years to finish. Find a dental hygiene program now.

Medical Lab Technician Associate Degree

  • Associate degree programs in medical laboratory technology take two years to compete and during one you’ll learn to work with medical professionals and perform tests that help diagnose, prevent, monitor, and treat diseases. Find a lab technician program.

Surgical Technology Associate Degree

  • A two-year associate degree in surgical technology will train the student to know all equipment needed in the surgical theater is in place, properly disinfected, and correctly assembled so that the surgical team has easy access to it. Students also learn to prepare patients for surgery with proper cleaning, shaving, and disinfection when necessary. Find a surgical technician program now.

Radiologic Technology Associate Degree

  • During your radiologic technology associate degree program you’ll learn proficiency in diagnostic imaging, physiology, and radiation safety. You’ll also learn to confidently interact with a medical team and patients. You’ll be trained to operate X-ray, mobile X-ray, and fluoroscopic technology. Find a radiologic technology program.

Healthcare Administration Associate Degree

  • A two-year classroom or online associate degree program in healthcare administration will teach you to plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise the delivery of healthcare to patients. A healthcare administrator often manages a clinical department or even an entire medical facility. Bachelor’s degree programs are also available for this career. Find a healthcare administration program now.

Medical Billing & Coding Associate Degree

  • Medical billing and coding associate degree programs take about 2 years to complete if you plan on being a full time student. Billing & coding professionals are responsible for the circulation of medical information among physicians, patients, and third-party payers. Find a medical billing or medical coding program now.

Health Information Associate Degree

  • Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Management programs take 2 years to complete and are available at some schools. You can also find more comprehensive programs such as Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management. A health information manager works within a combination of industries, including business, science, and information technology. Find an accredited health information program.

Medical Massage Associate Degree

  • During their two year Associate of Applied Science Degree in Massage Therapy program, massage therapy students will take classes in kinesiology, pathology, history of massage, benefits, and effects of massage and others. Massage therapy is one of the fastest growing careers in the medical field. Quicker massage therapy programs can also be found at many schools. Find a medical massage therapy program now.


Stephen James Hall: Stephen has been writing articles about skilled trade, technical, and medical careers since 2015.
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