Accredited 6 Week CNA Programs

There is a growing need for nursing assistants across the U.S. and at some schools you can study for a job as a CNA in about 6 weeks. There are accredited local and online medical trade schools in many locations.

Use the program search application to connect with an accredited school near you.

CNA Programs Are Often Available At:

  • Red Cross
  • Community Colleges
  • Trade & Vocational Schools
  • Some Hospitals

Once your CNA training is complete, you need to take the certification exam before you can get a job. The average annual salary for a CNA is $30,830, while the top 10% earns over $42,000. The career has a high turnover rate, that means there are many openings for qualified people.

What A CNA Does

What does a certified nursing assistant do? – A CNA provides essential care for patients that reside in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. Their typical focus is on patient hygiene, movement of bed-ridden patients, record patient information for nurses to review, measure the vital signs, and serve food to the patients that can not feed themselves. Depending on their level of training and the state they are employed in, they may be able to give medication to patients. Certified Nursing Assistants can not draw blood or perform diagnostic tests.” – What Does a CNA Do?


Stephen James Hall: Stephen has been writing articles about skilled trade, technical, and medical careers since 2015.
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