3-6 Month Massage Therapy Programs

The time it takes to complete an LMT program depends on the state you’re earning your license in. The average number of hours needed to become a licensed massage therapist is 600-750 hours. But some states require up to 1,500 hours of training.

Can Massage Therapy Training Be Completed in 3 Months?

I’m not the biggest fan of math either but let’s use some.

As an example we’ll use a program from a state that requires 600 hours. If we divide 600 hours by 8 hour days, we get 75 days.

Then, if we divide 75 days by 5 day weeks we get 15 weeks. Since there are about 4 weeks in a month we divide 15 by 4 and we get our rough estimate of 3.75 months.

If your state requires 750 hours you can add another month to that estimate. And so on.

Without the math; 3 month accelerated massage therapy training programs are a rare option but may be found at some schools in some states. 6 to 8 month programs are more common. There are also degree programs available at some schools and they take 2-4 years to complete.

So I guess how long it takes really just depends on how specialized you want your skills to be.

Become a Licensed Massage Therapist

An accredited massage therapy training program is a must, since massage therapists need to be licensed in most of the states. There are different sets of requirements in each state but all states do require that you pass the MBLEx exam.

How much does licensed massage therapist training cost?

Massage therapy school averages between 600-750 hours and the bottom line cost of a massage therapist education is approximately $9,000-$15,000. If you go to a community college, the cost of the course runs on par with the school’s tuition per credit hour, but private massage therapy schools will have different prices.

Massage therapy school prices can range anywhere between $6-$17 per hour of class time with an average of $9-$10/hour of education. The shorter the massage therapy program is, the less it will cost. Some programs do include the cost of the chair or table which runs around $500.

You can find your state requirements by clicking your state link here. On desktop the info is in the sidebar, on mobile it’s near the bottom of the page. If you think becoming a massage therapist is a good career choice for you, search for an accredited massage therapy program.


Try a practice massage bodywork license Exam (MBLEx).

Stephen James Hall: Stephen has been writing articles about skilled trade, technical, and medical careers since 2015.
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